Adding to the realm of colorful oyster mushrooms we present you the Yellow or Golden oyster mushroom.
We are always testing and exploring new mushroom varieties to add to our assortment. If there are any mushrooms you find interesting that we dont have yet, please feel free to reach out to us.
Mushrooms are a rich source of various nutrients including vitamins, minerals and antioxidants contributing to overall health and well-being.
They are also low in fat and calories while at the same time providing protein and fiber.
Moreover, certain mushroom varieties such as Lions mane, reshi and shitake contain bioactive compound such as beta-glucans and erinacines which have been linked to potential health benefits including immune system support and anti-inflammatory properties.
Apart from tasting amazing and being packed with nutrients, fungi is also a very eco friendly option. Mycelium (the part of the mushroom that is underground) lives by breaking down all kinds of organic matter such as logs and leaves and turning them into proteins and other nutrients.
And as if turning inedible dead logs into food wasn’t enough fungi is also super water efficient.
From only 2 liters of water we can produce 1 whole kilo of fresh mushrooms. For comparison it takes around 200 liters of water to produce 1 kg of potatoes and 15.000 Liters to produce 1 kg of beef.